Grateful Hearts

“Lord, you have given us so much.  Give us one thing more—grateful hearts.”  (Paraphrased from original below.)

I’ve heard my sister-in-law say this many a time.  Sometimes it would be to my nieces (who may or may not have been rolling their eyes from hearing it so much growing up).  Other times, it would be a well-timed reminder amidst an extended family discussion.  Now that my nieces are older, they admit to appreciating it more.  I have adopted the saying and hope it’s a nugget of wisdom that will quickly come to the heart and lips of my children.  What a wonderful principle to live by, not only this time of year, but all year long!

Preschool – Elementary Craft idea: 
Cut out hearts from fall colored construction paper.  Have children decorate them and write (or write for them) the words of Psalm 86:12, the quote above, or simply the word “Grateful!”  Hearts could be hung from a light fixture or ceiling, strung as a garland, or put on the fridge with magnets.

Simplest Grateful Heart – Preschoolers can help glue verse and color one heart.

 I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,
And will glorify Your name forever.

Psalm 86:12

“Thou that hast given so much to me give me one thing more, a grateful heart:
not thankful when it pleaseth me,
as if Thy blessings had spare days, but such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.”    
– George Herbert (circa 1600) 

Grateful Heart garlands by 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders
(It’s hard to see, but several words are written on each heart.
They chose between the saying from the introduction and the Bible verse.)

Grateful Hearts



Monday 11 November, 2013  |  Copyright ©2013, Kara Durbin read more>>

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