Archive for the ‘Giving’ Category.

A Missed Opportunity of Generosity = Teachable Moment

I’ve been kicking myself.  Why didn’t I act on my thoughts? 

The kids and I were in our Walmart Neighborhood Marketplace.  I started to get frustrated at how long it was taking the lady in front of me to check out.  That’s when I stopped to actually notice what was happening.  She had coupons for everything (all necessities, nothing frivolous) and was carefully keeping track of the total as things were rung up.  When the total went over $100, she strategically handed things back until the amount was back within her budget.

What happened next made me see that it wasn’t just about sticking to a set grocery amount.  She had a separate pile on the conveyor belt that she was paying for with WIC.  When the cashier rang up those items, he stated her three bottles of juice were not covered.  I could see the woman fretting as she hesitantly handed them back.

My brain was screaming at me, “Step up and kindly/quietly pay for that juice to help this worried woman!”

“No,” I mentally fought back, “I’ll just embarrass her.”  Sadly, this side won.

On the way home, I shared with the kids about what I had seen (they had been oblivious…oh, to be a worry free kid!) and the battle that had raged in my head.  We are all tempted to be embarrassed when generosity is given or received.  There is usually an excuse (or two, or three) not to give, but sometimes we need to overcome that.  On the flip side, there is often difficulty with our pride when we receive generosity, but it shouldn’t stop of us from saying, “Thank you!”

I couldn’t help but think of this verse and vowed to be more mentally prepared to act the next time such an opportunity arises.  And, I pray that my children will have generous hearts, eyes to see need, and the will to gracefully act on it. 

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.
Proverbs 3:27

For more verses, discussion questions, and take action ideas
on the topic of Giving, see your copy of
Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments


 How do you teach your kids to give more freely and spontaneously?  
I’d love to see your ideas in the comment section!



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