Caroline realized her teacher had made a mistake in grading a big test. More points should have been deducted which would have made her score lower. Grades especially mattered to this high schooler as college was on the horizon.
Ask you kids, “What would you do in this situation?”
I’m proud to say that my niece, Caroline, didn’t even hesitate to do the right thing. An added blessing is that her teacher appreciated her honesty and left the grade as it was.
In contrast and during that same week, Caroline had a friend who got a good grade for something she didn’t turn in. Caroline had worked extremely hard and spent much time on this same project and was infuriated that her friend wouldn’t come clean with the teacher. Instead, the friend made up reasons to justify her action (or lack thereof).
Ask your child, “How would you feel about that situation and that friend?”
True story.
The more we can help our kids learn from other people’s good and bad decisions, the more prepared they will be when faced with something similar.
Now ask yourself, “How can we connect this teachable moment story to God’s word?”
Remember that you can quickly and easily find out what God has to say about any issue that comes up in Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments!
The verses from applicable topics such as “Character, Integrity, Choices, and Example” are embedded and bolded below in a letter I wrote to my niece. It’s a bit lengthy, but I’d like to share the whole thing to show you how teachable moments can often be looked at from different angles. First of all, I realized that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to positively affirm my niece’s wonderful choice! Also, it made for an excellent scenario to discuss with my kids as shown above and including the verses below.
Can you see through this example how making use of teachable moments can be powerfully positive and proactive?
Dear Caroline,
It’s been a while since I’ve written you a letter and I’m thrilled for the reason to write you this one. I am so incredibly proud of the way you handled the situation with your grade! It would have been VERY easy for you to just let it slide and not say anything. In being honest, you risked a lower grade. That shows TRUE character and integrity! Both of those traits are just about the most important values in a person. I like to tell Kalli and Jake that character means who you are when nobody is watching. Meaning, if those things are found out, your true colors show. And your colors are glowing beautifully! Stark contrast to the sad colors leaking out of a certain someone. I’m grateful that Kalli and Jake have a cousin they can look up to as a positive example! Kalli had been listening to our conversation at dinner and wondered what was going on. I recounted the situation and we had wonderful discussion. You, my dear, chose the right way…the blessed way. Even if the teacher had counted off, it still would have been the right thing to do! For your steadfast conviction, I am smiling from ear to ear!
These are some of the verses I shared with the kids about character, integrity, and choices. You are right on, girlie! Keep up that faith!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
(You trusted God’s plan rather than trying to justify to meet your own desires! Bravo!)
I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. 1 Chronicles 29:17a
(And, Auntie Kara is pleased too b/c that integrity helps make up the one and only beautiful Caroline!)
The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out. Proverbs 10:9(That’s what I’m sayin’. Not your job to bring her to justice. It is already coming back to bite her in the lack of trust and respect she has from her friends. So sad for her. The best way you can be a friend is to pray for her. And, watch out…see next verse…)
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
(And by way of another thank you…)
In everything, set them an example by doing what is good. Titus2:7-8
(Thank you for being this kind of example for your younger cousins who look up to you!)
Love you, dearie,
Aunt Kara