Can LITTLE kids make BIG connections?

Yup, and this story is proof positive why we need to be diligent in training our children in God’s truth at home and being connected to a solid, Bible teaching church that doesn’t just look at the preschool ministry as “childcare.” (Don’t get me on my soapbox about this! 😉 )

Facebook post from a mom of a 3 year old…
Deep conversation with Avery tonight-
A: Mommy, will you and Daddy die?
Me: (with deer in the headlights look) Well, yes… (I mean – I can’t lie!)
A: Will I die?
Me: Yes, but God knew we would die so He sent Jesus to die for us and if we accept Him into our hearts we can live forever in heaven with Him.
A: But we won’t live in our house?? (very concerned)
Me: (trying to recover) No, but heaven will be better than any place you’ve ever been.
A: Mommy, how do you know all of this?
Me: Well, God told us all of it in the Bible.
A: (starts chanting what she learned at Sunday school) Everything the Bible says is absolutely true. (then singing another song from church) The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that’s the book for me!

Conversations like that just melt my heart and almost make me forget the 3 year old sassiness and exorcist-esque tantrums. And it’s also a huge testament to the awesome volunteers who work with the little ones at church and BSF. They are soaking up more than you know!

I can just visualize all ministry volunteers who have a heart for little ones giving a giant fist pump!  I know I am!

And, I hope it’s an encouragement to be like this momma and make the most of teachable moments when they come up! Remember, parents are called to be the primary facilitators of spiritual growth in their children’s lives.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down
and when you get up.
Duet 6:6-7

Want to bring more of God’s Word into your child’s daily life?
People often ask what ages Parenting with Scripture: A Topical Guide for Teachable Moments is good for.
I hope that this post reminds you that little brains are like sponges soaking up information!  And, that this story encourages you it’s never too early to infuse more Scripture into your family’s daily life!  Likewise, we never outgrow God’s Word…a neat concept to point out to children of all ages!

At the beginning of the book, Parenting with Scripture has ideas for different ways to use the book (easily adaptable to your family’s ages and needs) as well as a tutorial of how to capture and create teachable moments.  Make use of these precious preschool years and beyond!

Little Kids, Big Connections

Thursday 1 September, 2016  |  Copyright ©2016, Kara Durbin read more>>

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